- We Say “Yes” More Often
- Get Cash For Your Business In As Little As One Day
- Use The Cash For Your Business However You Like
- Make Better Business Decisions, Faster
- Improve Your Cashflow, Sleep Better!
As a business owner you have to make decisions in real-time. Sometimes those decisions will tax your cashflow, and you don’t have time to do the bank’s two-step. At the Money Depot we are business owners helping business owners get the cash they need. The Money Depot takes the stress out of getting access to affordable loans by allowing business owners to get multiple offers from several lenders in a matter of minutes. We get Lenders competing for your business. It’s just good business!

Running a business is hard. It is! Business owners don’t get to hear that enough. One of the many reasons it’s difficult is because when you have to make business decisions they have to happen quickly. These decisions usually cost you money, and we all know our business resources are finite, you have to make good decisions with the resources you have. Sometimes you have opportunities to grow your business, but these require you to get some financial assistance. You don’t have time to play the bank’s games. You are the back-bone of our economy, yet when you need the support of our banks most business owners are left feeling far less important or even all together unimportant. We’ve been there, we understand!

The Money Depot exists to help Canadians get access to the credit they need, not what the bank thinks you deserve. We are business owners helping business owners get access to the cash they need to grow their business, to cease that investment opportunity, to hire that perfect employee, or buy that inventory you need now. We can help your business get access to cash for your business whether you own your home or not. Secured credit is of course easier to get access too, but our access to private funds from dozens of lenders across Canada, means we can look at your application for a business loan on its own merit, not on how many assets you own.
Give us a call today. We would love to help you get cash to grow your business today!
The Money Depot is Canada’s go-to source for business loans. We work with dozens of lenders across the country to help take the stress out of getting access to affordable business loans by allowing consumers to get multiple offers from several lenders in a matter of minutes. We get Lenders competing for your business. If you’re tired of hearing no from the banks then get in touch with us! We say “Yes” more often.